Friday, September 25, 2009

Scribner Statue -- Santa Cruz, CA

After a few days in San Francisco, we drove to Southern California and stopped for lunch in Santa Cruz.

2009-06-04 Penguin Santa Cruz (3)

2009-06-04 Penguin Santa Cruz (4)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hilton -- San Francisco, CA

Cromely and I stayed at the Hilton on O'Farrell when we went to San Francisco in June. We were there for a Sun Jave One tradeshow. I found out later there was another Tundry in there too! I didn't see him, though. He seems more talkative than I.

Anyway, this was my view.

2009-06-02 Penguin at Hilton SFO (8)

Here I am with the Transamerica Tower growing from my head. He he.

2009-06-02 Penguin at Hilton SFO (9)

I got tired while taking pictures and took a rest.

2009-06-02 Penguin at Hilton SFO (3)

Rest is nice, but sometimes you can't beat a nap. Travel is hard!

2009-06-02 Penguin naps SFO (2)