Sunday, November 24, 2013

Newberry National Volcanic Monument -- Bend, OR

On our last day in Bend, we tool a bit of a drive. We went to a volcano. It wasn't my first volcano. I've been to Mt. St. Helen's and Yellowstone, but they are all different.

We did get a really nice view in the Pacific Northwest May drizzle. Here I am at Lava Butte.

2013-05-27 Miles Lava Butte (1)

2013-05-27 Miles Lava Butte (3)

A few miles later we went on a short walk with shiny,black rocks.

2013-05-27_Miles_Big obsidian flow

It was nice, but chilly and I was just as happy to get back to the car.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Old Mill Brew Wërks -- Bend, OR

In May we went to Bend, OR, to see some music.

I don't understand Cromely sometimes.  We could have gone out for ice cream, but instead he and The GF went out for beer at the Brew Werks Pub. He said it was really, really good stuff, but I don't know what he's talking about. It was kind of pretty though. They also had meat and other stuff, too.  I don't get it.



Sunday, November 3, 2013